New Conical Tube for Urine Specimens
in the Pneumatic Tube System
The conical tube for use in transporting urines in the pneumatic tube system is now in stores. The stores number is MH08948. Please note that this tube is sterile and may be used to transport urine samples through the pneumatic tube system to Specimen Control or Microbiology. As noted in a previous broadcast, the use of the plastic red top tube is not recommended for collection or transport of urine or fluid samples. These tubes contain a clot activator which may affect the testing performed on these tubes. For collection and transport of these fluids, please use the following guidelines:

If you wish to transport a random urine sample through the pneumatic tube system, use the conical bottom yellow top tube stores number MH08948. This tube can be differentiated from the ACD solution yellow top tube by this conical bottom. Urine samples sent with the Pathology transport personnel or delivered by patient care area personnel may still be collected and transported in the random urine container stores number MH04506. If you still have glass red top tubes in stock (MH03890, MH03891 or MH03943) they may be used.

Spinal Fluids;
Spinal Fluids for cell counts or other testing should be collected in the L-P sterile screw top tube available from stores (MH05078). The plastic red top tubes are not acceptable for any testing on CSF.

Other fluids;
Any other fluid that is sent to the laboratory for cell count should be sent in a lavender top tube (MH09028-plastic or MH07532-glass). The plastic or glass red top tube is acceptable for chemistry testing on fluids.

Contact Kathy Eyres, MT(ASCP), Operations Coordinator, at 6-8620 with questions.